So, a few weeks ago, my oldest daughter (Bella) ask if I would build her a tree house. I wasn’t much interested in any extra work! The summers are always my busiest season for drafting, plus all the other extra work that comes along with summer. Well, two weeks ago, the project started. Bella and I were sitting on the deck and she ask again, “Dad, will you build me a playhouse?” My heart melted… We started with a few hand sketches, then picked a spot in the yard; the perfect spot for a hide out/tree house. Its a spot, nestled into the row of pine trees that border the edge of our yard. The Tree house, as we call it, isn’t exactly fastened to any trees. It is simply an elevated “deck” with a small playhouse built on top. It is 5′ – 6′ out of the ground and the main “deck” is 10′ x 12′ with a 8′ x 10′ playhouse. The girls haven’t been able to see the vision yet, since the house itself hasn’t taken shape, but we have been very excited about it! This will be the first house I’ve designed for my kids, and I’ve been excited about that!